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Atualizado: 17 de mai. de 2023

Tharelia ("The Land of Thar") is a planet located in the Type I Tharelian Stable Universe. The planet was named after Thar the Elder, the Unifier of the Three Tribes and founder of the Erlah Church.

The planet has 3 main continents:

  • Nopah (Capital: Yontah)

  • Erlah (Capital: Erinah)

  • Surnah (Capital: Surnarah)

The three tribes, now called the Erlah, Surnah and Nopah, developed independently and in relative peace. But the Nopah culture's emphasis on materialism, hedonism, and technology, coupled with the warlord tradition of Surnah and the endemic corruption and undermining of the Erlah Church, brought tensions between the great nations.

The Thar Shvar, or "the Soul of Thar", is celebrated on the 20th day of the 10th month. The holiday is observed almost all over the planet, with meditation, dinners and the exchange of gifts.

Given the prospect of depleting natural resources and the current scenario of overpopulation on the planet, the Nopah military and civilians created Project Hyperon 60 years ago. The Project aims to create an escape route for less than 10% of the Tharelian population by seeking out Parallel Universes with suitable planets to harbour Tharelian physiology.

Read more details in Volume 1 of the series, HYPERON.

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